Fiduciary Best Practices
We are pleased to announce that Peter B. Guenther, CTFA, Director of Fiduciary Services, Cummings & Lockwood LLC, will be our guest speaker on the subject of Fiduciary Best Practices at our May 7th Annual Meeting & Dinner Program. Cash bar and cocktails will begin at 5:45 p.m., followed by dinner promptly at 6:30 p.m., speaker at 7:30 p.m., and we anticipate an end to the meeting between 8:30 p.m. and 8:45 p.m.
This one-hour presentation will be an in-depth review of Fiduciary Best Practices, including discipline, documentation and process, investment risk, investment documentation, trust risk, and discretionary distributions. In addition, there will be a discussion of case law, including individual trustee issues tied to the computation of fees, individual trustee issues arising from lack of documentation/due diligence/communication, individual trustee issues where they are relying on the investment advice of an outside advisor, individual trustee in a bifurcated trust role where questions arose centered around who has responsibility for what activities, and individual trustee issues related to concentrated asset positions, lack of diversification or unusual assets.
This presentation has been accepted by CFP Board of Standards for one (1) hour of continuing education.
Please click on the link below for complete program and registration details.