"Members Only" Breakfast Meeting: Helping young professionals realize and achieve their professional goals
Do any of your clients have children who are currently in college or recent college graduates? Would you like to build a relationship with that client that goes well beyond your firm’s core services?
If so, then don’t miss our next “members only” breakfast meeting featuring Sandy Golinkin, a career counselor and founder of Raising The Bar, a consulting firm to help young professionals realize and achieve their professional goals. Council Breakfast Meetings are held at the U.S. Trust Offices located at One Gorham Island, 2nd Floor, in Westport, from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Please feel free to bring coffee, tea, bagels, etc. to the meeting.
The three most important things to most of your clients are their (1) health, (2) wealth, and (3) kids (but not necessarily in this order). Choosing a career and finding that first full time job can be quite daunting and stressful for grads and their parents, and to get through the process, sometimes you need a champion. For some people, that’s a parent, a coach, mentor, or professor. Or you can reach out to a career counselor, such as Sandy Golinkin.
Through working with Sandy, young adults learn to stand out in a crowd by emphasizing their greatest strengths. Combining her near 20 year experience as a publisher/VP of titles such as Departures, Lucky, and Allure with her inclination to lead, nurture, and guide – all with the gentle prowess of a psychological sage - Sandy plays the role of champion with finesse.
Click on document link below for complete program/registration details and to learn more about Sandy.